File a Complaint

If you have a concern about the care or treatment you or someone else received from a doctor in New Brunswick, we want to help. 

Before you file a complaint, we encourage you to speak with your physician about your concerns. Often, an explanation may be all that is needed. If your attempt is unsuccessful or unsatisfactory, please consider the information below before filing a complaint.

We aim to triage your complaint within two weeks, after which we will contact you about next steps. Please note that it typically takes approximately 12 months to receive a decision regarding a complaint, although more complex complaints require more time. Any questions or concerns regarding this form or the complaints process can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone to (506)849-5050.

We believe in creating a safe and respectful environment where patients, physicians and College staff are treated with respect and compassion. Abusive or threatening behavior towards our staff will not be tolerated.


Select your concern


When to file a complaint

When not to file a complaint

Other concerns

Frequently asked questions