The complaints listed below have been submitted for a discipline hearing before a Board of Inquiry established under the Medical Act, 1981. It is important to note that the referral of a complaint to a hearing does not constitute a finding that a physician is guilty of conduct deserving of sanction. Discipline decisions will be posted to our website.
Hearings are open to the public unless otherwise indicated. If you are interested in attending a hearing, you must pre-register by contacting the professional conduct department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Upcoming hearings
Dr. Mahmood A. Moolla
StatusReferred to Board of InquiryDate, time, and locationTBDHearing open to the publicYes
Dr. Manoj Bhargava
StatusReferred to Board of InquiryDate, time, and locationJuly 15, 2025, 10:00 AM, VirtualHearing open to the publicTBD