The College is seeking feedback from its registrants, the public and its health care partners as we revise professional standards on the topics of patient medical records and closing or leaving a medical practice.
Your input will help inform the College’s professional standards and ensure they reflect current practice issues, embody the duties of medical professionalism, and are consistent with our mandate to act in the public interest.
Patient medical records
This standard sets out the College’s expectations regarding the management of patient medical records. The scope of the standard is also being expanded to apply to all practice environments.
Closing or leaving a medical practice
This standard sets out the College’s expectations relating to notification, continuity of care and the patient medical record, in the event that a physician closes their practice or takes an extended leave.
How to provide feedback:
Please submit any feedback you have on the above standards to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In the subject line please specify the standard(s) on which you are providing feedback. If you are providing feedback on multiple standards, clearly show which feedback pertains to which standard to ensure we are correctly interpreting your feedback.
The consultation period will close on February 13, 2025. It is crucial to provide your comments within this period, as any comments received after the comment period will not be considered. Your timely feedback is essential to ensure that your views are taken into account in the final revisions of the standards.